I was invited by the Martha Graham Dance Company in 2018 to take part in a short term residency at Google and YouTube in New York. The residency brought together dancers, choreographers, visual artists, and creative technologists for an intensive creative workshop devoted to exploring new ways of experiencing dance and the body through the visionary choreography of Martha Graham. The collaboration culminated in a day of performances and presentations at Google.
The main focus of my work during the residency was to develop new ways to visualize, perform, and experience the solo dance Lamentation (1930) through visual kinetics and digital archaeology into the company’s deep media archives.
New York Times feature
In the Dance Lab with Martha Graham
May 25, 2018

Compilation of rehearsal documentation
I also worked with the Teens@Graham student dancers to develop a live interactive backdrop for the debut of their performance, The Nature of Daylight.
The projection uses custom software to visualize the kinetics of the dancers through an optical flow algorithm.